Apex legends wattson
Apex legends wattson

apex legends wattson

The delay between fences shutting off and reactivating due to an ally passing through was decreased by to.

apex legends wattson

The time allowance to be hit again by a Fence effect was increased from.The recharge time on her fences was decreased from 30 to 15 seconds.The duration of the debuff was doubled from 1.5 seconds to 3 seconds.Damage crossing fence now deals 20 damage instead of 15.Her tactical perimeter fence received the following changes: In exchange for the nerf to her hitbox, Wattson had her tactical and ultimate abilities reworked.

apex legends wattson

Before the change, Wattson had the smallest hitbox in the game, post-change her hitbox is pretty similar to Lifeline's now. They have expanded her hitbox size across the board, making it so she no longer has a much of a hitbox advantage. First and foremost, Wattson will be easier to hit now. According to the devs, their goal is to 'redistribute her invisible power' into more active parts of her kit.


Wattson is finally getting some balance changes in Season 11, in response to the many complaints from players that she is underpowered, though the changes are not a straight buff so much as a rework to her kit.ĭespite many players finding Wattson's kit to feel underpowered, her actual win rates are pretty solid according to the patch notes, so the developers decided to rework her, with a few nerfs balancing out the buffs.

Apex legends wattson